ITC T-418 Remote 5 Zone Paging Microphone


T-418 ITC Microphone Remote 5 Zone Paging Microphone T-418 * 5zone remote paging microphone * With zone, group zone and all zone paging capacity * One amplifier capacity is 5 microphones * The microphone was connected to the amplifier through CAT 5 cable * The microphone is DC24V powered by the amplifier at max 1kms distance * Built-in pre announcement chime of 2 & 4 tone selector * With microphone, chime & master volume control * With 10 segments level meter

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T-418 ITC Microphone Remote 5 Zone Paging Microphone T-418 * 5zone remote paging microphone * With zone, group zone and all zone paging capacity * One amplifier capacity is 5 microphones * The microphone was connected to the amplifier through CAT 5 cable * The microphone is DC24V powered by the amplifier at max 1kms distance * Built-in pre announcement chime of 2 & 4 tone selector * With microphone, chime & master volume control * With 10 segments level meter

5 zone remote paging microphone


* With zone, group zone and all zone paging capacity


* One amplifier capacity is 5 microphones


* The microphone was connected to the amplifier through CAT 5 cable


* The microphone is DC24V powered by the amplifier at max 1kms distance


* Built-in pre announcement chime of 2 & 4 tone selector


* With microphone, chime & master volume control


* With 10 segments level meter